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Roof Cleaning Essential Protection For Your Roof

One of the most pleasant things about living here in Wilmington, NC is the weather. Save for a few cold snaps per year, we enjoy very moderate weather. This allows us to enjoy outdoor activities all year long. Unfortunately, the moderate, humid climate that we enjoy allows mold, mildew, and bacteria to actively grow most of the year also. One particular strain of bacteria, Gloeocapsa Magma, spells bad news for your roof. Which is why professional roof cleaning service isn’t just a maintenance measure, it’s essential protection for your roof. For over a decade the roof cleaning technicians at Pro Pressure Washing have been expertly cleaning roofs all over the Greater Wilmington, NC area providing long-term protection for homeowners. But why does your roof need protecting from a bacteria?

Black Streaks – A Cry For Help From Your Roof

Driving around any neighborhood in Wilmington will reveal many homes that have black streaks running from the spine of the roof towards the drip edge. These streaks are the evidence that Gloeocapsa Magma is present on the roof. This particularly voracious bacteria thrives on moisture and the limestone filler that is present in modern day shingles, making your roof prime real estate. Over time, as the bacteria continue to eat and replicate on your roof, your shingles won’t be able to repel water the way that it used to as small holes and fissures open up, allowing water to penetrate your roof. This can lead to costly repairs and even an expensive roof replacement. Also, as the black streaks stretch out covering more of the surface of your roof you’ll notice that your energy bills steadily increase. Why? Because the black coloration of the bacteria actually absorbs heat from the sun, making your attic hotter, causing your air conditioning system to have to work harder and harder to keep your home cool. What all of this means is that it is essential to call the roof cleaning experts at Pro Pressure Washing the moment you start to see discoloration or black patches appearing on your roof. Does so will help protect your roof and your wallet!

Wilmington’s Soft Wash Roof Cleaning Experts

Our roof cleaning technicians are dedicated to giving your roof the best possible care, which is why we employ a specialized process called soft wash roof cleaning. During this process, we use low pressure to deliver specially formulated cleaners to your roof. These cleaners kill 100% of the mold, algae, and bacteria that can plague your roof, which we then simply rinse away.

In the hands of Wilmington’s finest roof cleaning team, this process achieves amazing results without the risk of damaging your shingles with high pressure. At Pro Pressure Washing we are focused on quality and the long-term success of your property. We only bring the best technology and the most powerful cleaning products to your home – and the results show. With our years of experience and specialized roof cleaning techniques, your roof will look great now and into the future!

Call, text, or click here to get a FREE estimate!